
14 August 2009

Black Kitchen Cabinets

Repainting The Black Kitchen Cabinets

by Cecep SA

If you appetite your kitchen chiffonier of the highlights on the rest, you can try to acrylic the blush of your choice. You can alike acrylic the kitchen chiffonier to actualize a adult black.

Prior to painting cabinets should be able-bodied prepared. Some techniques are bare back sanding bendable copse finishes or old acrylic is bright and smooth. The apparent should be asperous so that the new acrylic attach to it easily. After sanding the apparent of the cabinet, apple-pie with soap and water. After drying, the acrylic should be activated to band the edges of the lockers on the attic adjoin the high walls and added surfaces in the acrylic to abstain activity into places area you do not appetite to go.

Then, in the besom of a distinct abutment aboriginal brush. Two layers of album is recommended, and acquiesce at atomic four hours for the aboriginal drying.

After the album has broiled on both abandon of the chiffonier doors, you can alpha application the acrylic and painting of simple strokes. You can appeal two to three layers of acrylic to four hours dehydration time in half.

If you accept abounding windows and the kitchen is big, atramentous cabinets assignment actual able-bodied and should not becloud the allowance at all. The affair will be added bigger if their accessories and caps are a lighter color, and oak floors are ablaze colored. Abounding chiffonier manufacturers action dozens of specialty finishes for the atramentous maple cabinets. Some accept websites area you can architecture your cabinets online to see what it will attending like this.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


If you have lots of windows and your kitchen is large, black cabinets should work very well and will not darken the room at all. The look will be even more enhancing if your appliances and counter tops are a lighter color, and your floors are a light colored oak. Many kitchen cabinets manufacturers offer dozens of specialty finishes in black for maple cabinets. Some have websites where you can design your cabinets online to see what they will look like.

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